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Job Description / Tasks

we need someone to be the right-hand person to our CEO. We're searching for a chief operating officer (COO) who has strong leadership skills and the ability to approach business with a creative point of view. The COO will lead our team of high-performing professionals to be efficient, productive, and effective. The ideal candidate has extensive experience within our industry, preferably having worked their way up to an executive role. We believe this trajectory helps a person develop a unique mix of business and management expertise, plus proficiency with the practices, policies, and procedures of our industry.


Objectives of this role

  • Collaborate with the CEO in setting and driving organizational vision, operations strategy, and hiring levels

  • Translate strategy into actionable steps for growth, implementing organization-wide goal setting, performance management, and annual operations planning

  • Oversee company operations and employee productivity, building a highly inclusive culture that ensures team members can thrive and that organizational goals are met

  • Ensure effective recruiting, onboarding, professional development, performance management, and retention

  • Ensure compliance with national and local business regulations, and take appropriate action when necessary


  • Analyze internal operations and identify areas for process enhancement

  • Implement business strategies and plans that align with the short- and long-term objectives developed in tandem with the CEO

  • Oversee operations, HR, and accounting, and partner with the CEO in sales management so that sufficient investment capital can be budgeted for near-term growth targets

  • Manage capital investments and expenses aggressively to ensure that the company achieves investor targets for growth and profitability

  • Monitor performance with tracking software and take corrective measures when necessary, and prepare detailed updates and forecasts

  • Build and maintain trusting relationships with key customers, clients, partners, and stakeholders

Requirements / Skills

  • Ten or more years of experience in executive leadership roles

  • Excellent leadership skills, with steadfast resolve and personal integrity

  • Understanding of advanced business planning and regulatory issues

  • Solid grasp of data analysis and performance metrics

  • Ability to diagnose problems quickly and foresee potential issues


  • Please mention your proposed salary for this position.

  • Attach your cover letter to your resume and add your business achievements and success stories in your cover letter. 


Introduction کیمیا ماندگار دانش و اندیشه (کمدا)

  • کمدا تیمی خلاق و صمیمی، با دغدغه‌های محیط زیستی و ضدمصرف‌گرا فعالیت‌مون رو از بهمن ۱۳۹۵ در شیراز شروع کردیم. اون زمان که کارهامون محدود به شیراز بود، آفیس شیراز رو داشتیم که یه گاراژِ قدیمی و بازسازی شده است. بعدش که توی کل ایران گسترده شدیم و بچه‌های تیم توی شهر‌های مختلف هم اضافه شدن، در کنار کُمُجا قدیم و جدید در شیراز فعالیتمون رو بصورت دورکاری ادامه میدیم.از بهار سال ۱۳۹۹ دیجی‌کالا به عنوان کمک خلبان کمدا «انتخاب» شد و الان که در حال گسترش دپارتمان‌های مختلف هستیم ترجیح‌مون اینه هدکوارتر شیراز بمونه که از لندن و پاریس و آتن هم بیشتر دوستش داریم. خلاصه که الان هم برای بزرگ‌تر شدن تیم‌مون از کل ایران و حتی مریخ (با تشکر از ایلان جان) به صورت ریموت برای همکاری استقبال می‌کنیم.

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